Prayers Of The Faithful – February 7

For Pope Francis as he leads the Church in prayer for the sick on February 11th, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian, as he celebrates his birthday, that God will continue to encourage and strengthen him and keep him healthy.
We pray to the Lord.

For Christians who are persecuted and for Catholics imprisoned in China and Hong Kong for their faith.
We pray to the Lord.

For the many people affected by the pandemic, especially the elderly and shut-in in our city and province.
We pray to the Lord.

For all health care workers and families who care for the sick at home and for those who offer Spiritual Care to the sick.
We pray to the Lord.

For each person who has asked us to pray for them and for any special needs you have today.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Ruth Eleanor Hughes, Evelyn Dugay, Carol Dionne, Paul Byrne, Albert (Tinker) Patterson, Assunta (Bunny) Patterson, Doreen O’Leary, and for their families and friends who mourn them.
We pray to the Lord.

February Latin Mass

Fr. Melanson will be unable to celebrate the First Saturday Latin Mass at Holy Redeemer this Saturday, February 6 due to Saint John and Fredericton both being in the Orange COVID level. He hopes to celebrate his final First Saturday Latin Mass at Holy Redeemer on March 6 – COVID and weather conditions permitting.

Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful – January 31

For Pope Francis and Bishop Christian who constantly remind us of the presence of Jesus in our world and our Church and in all of the events that affect our lives.
We pray to the Lord.

For our Diocese and each parish family as we learn new ways to evangelize and to rediscover the graces received through the Eucharist and Adoration.
We pray to the Lord.

For governments and policy makers that they will heed the warning of the United Nations of the dangers of the growing use of assisted suicide for people who are not terminally ill.
We pray to the Lord.

For each person affected by the ongoing pandemic and for each person offering healing, comfort, assistance and hope to others during these days.
We pray to the Lord.

For our children and grandchildren as they bravely continue to attend school and teach us the proper response to pandemics!
We pray to the Lord.

For each person suffering from ailments of the throat and for all those who desire the special blessing on the Feast of St. Blaise.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Lois McHugh, Rosalie Ingersoll, Stella McIntyre, Celina Cook, Nola Gillen, Bill Brenan, Jake Logan, Bill Munro, Joe Parisien, and for those who love them.
We pray to the Lord.

Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful – January 31

Tuesday, February 2nd, is the Feast of the Presentation marking Jesus’ first entry into the temple, forty days after His birth. It has also been marked as the Purification, the return of Mary to the Temple following the birth of her child. Over time the blessing of candles became associated with these feasts and processions would be held with lighted candles in anticipation of the return of days of more sunlight.

The Blessing of the Candles for use in homes was a reminder that there were still long days of darkness and winter to be endured. To make the feast a little more fun German Christians began to associate the activities of hedgehogs with a prediction of the end of winter. When German settlers came to North America, woodchucks (groundhogs) were more plentiful. Our Groundhog Day has its roots in Christian tradition and anticipation and hope. But the day is even more significant as we recall the groundhog gale that nearly blew the socks of the city 45 years ago!  However you see Feb. 2nd it gives us reason to be grateful for our faith and a reassurance that all things will pass, even winter and the pandemic!