Prayers Of The Faithful – January 24

For Pope Francis who calls us to a better knowledge of the Holy Bible on this Sunday dedicated to the Word of God.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian, his priests and catechists as they teach our Diocesan family to make God’s Word part of our daily lives.
We pray to the Lord.

For all Christians that they may bear witness together to Jesus’ desire that “all would abide in His love and bear much fruit”.
We pray to the Lord.

For people of every nation affected by the pandemic and especially for our province now under severe restrictions.
We pray to the Lord.

For the safety and health of our children and grandchildren attending school as they trust in God’s care and Providence.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor and homeless most affected by the pandemic and for the poorer nations who are outbid by richer nations for vaccines.
We pray to the Lord.

For people in hospital and long term care and for people shut in and lonely at home.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Sonny London, Al Cormier, Marjorie Johnston, Joseph Wilson, Marguerite Godin, Katherine Davis, and for families in mourning who are unable to gather for funeral rites and burial.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayers Of The Faithful – January 17

For Pope Francis who has placed the Church under the watchful care and protection of the Blessed Mother and her spouse Joseph.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian and his priests as they meet this week.
We pray to the Lord.

For the unity of Christians and for those who are persecuted.
We pray to the Lord.

For our neighbours in the United States as they inaugurate a new government and administration.
We pray to the Lord.

In gratitude for the witness of married couples and for those who are planning marriage during this difficult year.
We pray to the Lord.

For the many people, especially the elderly and the poor, affected by the Pandemic here in New Brunswick and around the world.
We pray to the Lord.

For our High School students writing examinations during this stressful time and for all our children and grandchildren.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died : Sadie Zed, George Fournier, Kathleen Folkins, Edgar Gallant, Anne-Marie Wilkes, Brian Mackin, Paul McGrath, Dawn Bates, and for their families.
We pray to the Lord.

Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful – January 17

In 1989 Bishop Troy encouraged his priests to renew the tradition of preaching on the Sacrament of Matrimony on the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings on this second Sunday speak to us of the call of a prophet, the call of the first disciples and a call to physical integrity.                                              

People who have been called together in the grace of marriage offer a much needed witness to each of today’s readings as we face the challenges of our modern world and its current circumstances.                                                                     

The larger story in the Scriptures reminds us that it was not an easy path for the prophets and many stumbled along the way.  Peter, and his brother Andrew were far from perfect and their spiritual descendants (the Churches of the East and West) experienced a long estrangement of nearly a thousand years! For many of the biblical heroes physical integrity was not achieved in an instant!                                                                                     

In today’s world married couples try to witness to God’s forgiveness through their willingness to forgive each other and sacrifice for each other. They call each other to holiness in a way that is prophetic for the world. And that they do so in a world that does not often respect their commitment they are heroic and show us how to be humble before God.

Prayers Of The Faithful – January 10

For Pope Francis who urges us all to receive the light of Christ and to be guided by His light and transformed by Christ.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian that he may remain constant in hope as he leads and unites us through faith in Christ.
We pray to the Lord.

For the growing numbers of people affected by COVID 19 and for the legion of health care workers delivering the vaccine worldwide.
We pray to the Lord.

For our province as we enter another period of increased health regulations and continue to endure the many restrictions involved.
We pray to the Lord.

For the health of our children and grandchildren and for each student in our places of learning.
We pray to the Lord.

For each person who has asked us to pray for them and for any special need that you have today.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Rev. Joe LeBlanc, Theresa DeLong, Brenda Butler, Irene Lawlor, Johnny ‘Storm’ Stoltz, Annie E. Hebert, Patricia Langille, Anita Godin, Alban O’Leary, Edith Kinsella, and for the many families who mourn in solitude.
We pray to the Lord.

Introduction – Prayers Of The Faithful – January 10

Two steps forward…one step back…..and so it goes as we continue the Pandemic shuffle.

We had hoped that the New Year would bring a return to life as we know it but things may yet get worse before they improve. We received reassurance from God at Christmastime. His Son, Jesus, Emmanuel (God is with us) is the powerful sign that God is indeed with us. The Baptism of the Lord tells us that, as surely as Jesus walked into the water to be baptized by John, He has entered into each of our lives. Jesus is “in it” with us, at every step of the way, even when we experience a step backwards.

In a few months the great Feast of Easter and the Holy Week which precedes it will remind us that Jesus was “in it to win it” with us and for us. We have known this many times in our lives.  And we will celebrate it again.

Be firm in faith and never tire of charity through your prayer for each other and your gestures of kindness and concern for others. You will feel hope grow stronger within you. And we will all feel healing and grow stronger together!