Prayers Of The Faithful – July 14

For Pope Francis in his efforts to bring peace to nations.
We pray to the Lord.

For people in our country and around the world affected by extremes of weather and wild fires.
We pray to the Lord.

For the safety of our children and grandchildren and of all school children on holidays.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor, especially families, facing greater costs for housing and food while profits continue to grow.
We pray to the Lord.

For the protection of unborn children and of mothers under pressure to end their pregnancy.
We pray to the Lord.

For any who are ill and in need of our prayers.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Tommy McKenna, Marguerite McCoy, Kenneth Landry, Velma Finnigan; and for those who comfort families in mourning.
We pray to the Lord.

Prayers Of The Faithful – July 7

For Pope Francis and his prayer intention for July for the Pastoral Care of the Sick.
We pray to the Lord.

For the young people of our Diocese who journeyed to Halifax for a celebration of faith and for their safe return home.
We pray to the Lord.

For young men and women being called by God to serve the Church as priests and religious.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor, the hungry and the homeless.
We pray to the Lord.

For our relatives and friends in need of our prayers and for all who are sick and for their caregivers.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Michael Campbell, Violet McLaughlin, Jimmy Legere, Frances McAllister, Kenny Anderson; and for people grieving the death of someone they love.
We pray to the Lord.