
Reminder: All parishes across the diocese are participating in the “I Know My Sheep” census over the next month, when there is typically increased Mass attendance. The goal of the census is to update each parish database with current and accurate contact information for our parish families, to update the diocesan database, and to prepare for a planning study to test a potential diocesan wide capital campaign in 2023. Having updated information will also give our parishes a better idea of who is in our parish and hopefully improve communication. Every weekend until January 15, you will see census cards in the pews. We are asking each family to take just a couple of minutes to complete a card. These can be returned by placing them in the offertory basket, dropping them off at the parish office or sending them by mail. Thank you for your cooperation in this important effort.

You may also complete the census online at the link below:

Prayers Of The Faithful – December 18

For Pope Francis and for the people of Ukraine who are close to his heart in their time of great suffering.
We pray to the Lord.

For Bishop Christian as we join him in praying for Christ to enter our lives and transform us as we face life’s challenges.
We pray to the Lord.

For a lowering of tensions between world leaders and all nations.
We pray to the Lord.

For the poor, especially families and for each family our parish has assisted this Christmas season.
We pray to the Lord.

For the safety of all travelers who will be heading home for Christmas and for all workers who will be away from family.
We pray to the Lord.

For the sick, at home or in hospital or nursing homes and for their families and people who care for them.
We pray to the Lord.

For people who are discouraged at this time of year that they will find reason to be hopeful as the Christmas story is proclaimed.
We pray to the Lord.

For those who have died: Catherine McLaughlin, Jerry Osborne, Bette Hatty, Terrence Thibodeau, Rob McIllwraith, Barbara Burns, Rose (Bunny) & Myles Snow, Andrew Sutton; and for people who are mourning the loss of someone they love and miss.
We pray to the Lord.

Christmas Flowers

The deadline to make a donation towards our Christmas Flowers is Sunday, December 18. Donations can be placed in the collection using an envelope marked “Flowers”. Please include the names of those to be remembered during our Christmas Masses.

You can also e-Transfer your donation to stpiusx@nb.aibn.com
Please add the names of your loved ones in the memo section of your e-Transfer.


Join us for Mass this weekend.
Join us in person at 4 pm on Saturday, 9 am & 11 am on Sunday.
Mass is available here on our website and on our YouTube and Facebook pages at any time of the day on Sunday.