Christmas Flowers

Memorial donations are being accepted to assist with the purchase of flowers during the Christmas season. Donations can be placed in the collection using an envelope marked “Flowers”. Please include the names of those being remembered during our Christmas Masses. Please also include your own name and envelope number for income tax purposes. The deadline for donations is Sunday, December 15.

You can also e-transfer your donation to
Please add the names of your loved ones in the memo section of your e-transfer.

Holy Redeemer
Christmas Flowers
The deadline to submit
names is
Sunday, December 15

Personal Care Packages

The CWL will contribute to the parish’s Christmas Basket program by filling Personal Care Packages for needy individuals. The CWL is looking for donations and suggested items (regular or trial-sized) are listed on posters at each entrance. All donations would be appreciated and can be dropped off at the rectory as soon as possible.

CWL Cookie Walk

The CWL will be holding its annual Cookie Walk this weekend on Saturday, November 23, and Sunday, November 24, after all Masses in the parish hall. Fill your bag with a variety of delicious cookies for only $8. They will also have some frozen homemade apple and pumpkin pies for sale for $12 each. The wheelchair lift will be available after all Masses if you require assistance.

Homemade cookie donations can be dropped off in the hall before all weekend Masses.

Holy Redeemer CWL Cookie Walk
Only $8 per bag
After all Masses November 23 & 24

CWL Cookie Walk

The CWL will be holding its annual Cookie Walk on Saturday, November 23, and Sunday, November 24, after all Masses in the parish hall. Fill your bag with a variety of delicious cookies for only $8. They will also have some frozen homemade apple and pumpkin pies for sale for $12 each. The wheelchair lift will be available after all Masses if you require assistance.

The CWL would appreciate donations of homemade cookies. They can be dropped off in the hall before all Masses on November 23 & 24.

Holy Redeemer CWL Cookie Walk
Only $8 per bag
After all Masses November 23 & 24

Christmas Basket Registrations

We will be taking applications for Christmas Baskets tomorrow, Tuesday, November 12, and Thursday, November 14, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm in the parish hall (parking lot entrance). These will be the only two days that we will be taking applications. We will not be taking applications after these two days, so please plan to attend on Tuesday or Thursday.

Proof of Address and Medicare card is required for all those living in your home.

If you know any parishioners who may need help with a dinner, please show them this announcement and suggest they come to the hall on the above-noted dates with the proper identification.

Christmas Basket Registration
Tuesday, November 12 & Thursday, November 14