Additional Sunday Mass

While we continue to remain in the COVID Orange phase, Msgr. Henneberry has decided to add an extra Sunday Mass at 10 am to allow additional people to attend on the weekend.

This is a temporary Mass, so we will not be taking registrations for it, and you will not be able to switch your Mass time preference from another Mass to 10 am. The purpose of this Mass is to allow us to accommodate those people not able to attend the other three weekend Masses.

Please note: Even with this additional Mass, not everyone will be able to attend Mass each week. As with the other weekend Masses, attendance at the 10 am Mass is by invitation only. You must be registered for one of the other weekend Masses in order to receive an invitation to the 10 am Mass.

Given the limited space at each Mass, we wish to remind everyone of the importance of replying to the call or email you receive inviting you to Mass. We need to know who is planning on attending so that we can plan accordingly.

February Latin Mass

Fr. Melanson will be unable to celebrate the First Saturday Latin Mass at Holy Redeemer this Saturday, February 6 due to Saint John and Fredericton both being in the Orange COVID level. He hopes to celebrate his final First Saturday Latin Mass at Holy Redeemer on March 6 – COVID and weather conditions permitting.