2024-25 Sunday Missals will be available to purchase at all Masses this weekend. Cost is $5 – please bring exact change. Limited quantities available.

2024-25 Sunday Missals will be available to purchase at all Masses this weekend. Cost is $5 – please bring exact change. Limited quantities available.
Beginning this weekend, our Remembrance Book will be located at the front of the church. We invite you to add the names of deceased loved ones, and the parish will remember them at all Masses during November.
Jim Anderson of the Diocese of Saint John will facilitate a day of prayer, discernment, and discussion about youth ministry on Saturday, November 2, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, at St. Francois de Sales church, 77 Ragged Point Road. It is for anyone interested in discussing initiatives regarding evangelizing young people in our parishes. It is open to current and new people interested in building youth groups in parishes. Lunch and materials will be provided. For more information or to register, email janderson@dioceseofsaintjohn.org or call (506) 653-6809.
The Holy Redeemer CWL will hold their monthly meeting today, Tuesday, October 8, in the Parish Hall at 1 pm. All ladies are invited to attend.
We are saddened to pass along news of the death of Fr. Kevin Barry, which occurred yesterday.
Fr. Barry’s funeral arrangements are as follows:
Visitation – Wednesday, October 2, 2 – 8 pm and Thursday, October 3, 2 – 5 pm, at Brenan’s Funeral Home.
Vespers – Thursday, October 3, 7 pm at the Cathedral.
Fr. Barry’s Funeral will be celebrated on Friday, October 4, 12:10 pm at the Cathedral.
Please keep Fr. Barry in your prayers.
Classes for all grades begin on Sunday, September 29 at the following times:
Grades 1-5 will be from 9:50-10:50 am
Grades 6,7 & 8 (Alpha) from 6:15-7:15 pm
Confirmation Preparation runs from 7:30-8:30 pm
If you can help as a volunteer catechist for grades 6 & 7 on Sunday evenings, please call Bunny at (506) 693-9869.
Eucharistic Ministers’ schedules for the months of October – December are available for pickup in the vestry.
The Holy Redeemer CWL is hosting a Book & Puzzle Sale this weekend on Saturday, September 21, 2 pm – 5:30 pm & Sunday, September 22, 9 am – 12:30 pm. Drop by and stock up on your winter entertainment.
We are preparing the October – December Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule. If you know that you will be unavailable at any point during those months, please contact the parish office (506-653-6830 or holyredeemersj@gmail.com) by Tuesday, September 24, so that we can adjust the schedule accordingly.
The final registration session for Religious Education classes will be held in the Parish Hall following the 11 am Mass this Sunday, September 22. Classes for all grades will begin on Sunday, September 29. If you can help as a volunteer catechist for grades 6/7 on Sunday evenings, please call Bunny at (506) 693-9869.