Msgr. Henneberry will hear Confessions in the church today, Tuesday, June 9, from 5:00 to 5:30 pm. Please use the front entrance. We ask that you please remember to stay at least 6 feet away from others as you wait your turn to go to Confession.
Category: Announcements
High School Graduation 2020
We are looking for the names of Holy Redeemer parishioners who will be graduating from high school this year. If someone in your family is graduating, or if you know of friends who are graduating, please call the office at 653-6830 during morning hours.
Latin Mass
Good news for those who were not able to attend this weekend’s Latin Mass at St. Pius X / Holy Redeemer. Mass was recorded and will be posted online at 6 pm tonight in all of the usual spots.
Reminder: Msgr. Henneberry will be distributing Communion in the parking lot at the following times after Mass: Saturday, 5:00 pm; Sunday, 10:00 am & noon.
Today, Saturday, June 6, Msgr. Henneberry will hear Confessions in the church from 2:45 to 3:30 pm. Please enter the church through the front doors and exit via the wheelchair ramp door. If you have not been selected to attend Mass this Saturday, please leave the church before Mass begins. Your cooperation enables us to comply with current provincial COVID-19 laws.
For the safety of everyone, please maintain 6 feet of space between you and other parishioners at all times.
Mass Invitations
The invitations have been sent out for all three of our weekend Masses. Check your email to see if you have been selected.
Latin Mass
Now that the province has announced an increase in attendance, Fr. Melanson will be proceeding with the Latin Mass on Saturday, June 6, at 10 am. Given that a smaller number of people usually attend this Mass than the regular weekend Masses at St. Pius X / Holy Redeemer, there will be no lottery / invitation system. However, attendance will be limited to 50 people. Those attending the Latin Mass are asked to please use the main doors on Somerset Street.
Mass Attendance
The province has announced that we will be able to have 50 people attend each Mass this weekend. Invitations will be sent out shortly.
Mass Attendance Notifications
Given that the number of people allowed at Mass this weekend depends on the province raising the attendance limits from 10 to 50, we are going to wait to send out invitations until the province makes an announcement. Invitations for the weekend Masses will likely not be going out until late Thursday, or early Friday.