Communion Distribution

The Chrism Mass will be streamed from the Cathedral on Tuesday, May 26.
The Bishop is inviting people to participate in a Novena to the Holy Spirit in preparation for the Solemnity of Pentecost.
The province announced this morning (Friday, May 22) that the limit of 10 people per Mass will remain in effect for this weekend.
The 10 people chosen for each Mass this weekend have been previously notified by the parish. Everyone else will remain in the draw for the following weeks.
For those not able to attend Mass, Msgr. Henneberry will distribute Communion in the side parking lot at the following times: Saturday, 5 pm; Sunday, 10 am; Sunday, noon.
In anticipation of the government allowing more than 10 people to attend Mass, we encourage you to sign up below to request a spot at Mass as we expect that any increase will still require us to use our current lottery system.
PLEASE NOTE: We have already selected the 10 parishioners who will be attending each Mass this weekend. We have no idea when the province will increase our capacity. However, should the province announce an increase to the number of people allowed to attend Mass this weekend, eligible parishioners will be contacted on Friday.
Msgr. Henneberry will hear Confessions in the church today, Tuesday, May 19, from 5:00 to 5:30 pm. Please use the front entrance. We ask that you please remember to stay at least 6 feet away from others as you wait your turn to go to Confession.
This Saturday, May 16, Msgr. Henneberry will be hearing Confessions in the church from 3:00 to 3:45 pm. Please enter the church through the front doors and exit via the wheelchair ramp door. Unless you have been selected to attend Mass this Saturday, we regret that you must leave the church before Mass begins so that we remain in compliance with current COVID-19 regulations.