Indoor Yard Sale

Join us on Monday, May 20, from 9 am to 12 noon in the church hall for our annual Victoria Day Yard Sale with Bake Table. There is something for everyone. Please remember to bring bags to carry home your treasures – we can no longer provide plastic bags. See you on Victoria Day!

Yard Sale
St. Pius X Church, 316 Somerset Street
Monday, May 20
9 am - noon

Yard Sale Donations

There is still time to drop off your donations for our annual Victoria Day Yard Sale. You can drop your items off Monday – Friday at the church. Please call before you come (506-653-6830 or 506-653-6834) to ensure somebody is available to assist in unloading your vehicle. No clothing or electronics, please.

Get rid of your stuff

First Communion

Please keep in your prayers the 26 children who will celebrate First Holy Communion at the 11 am Mass this Sunday. We also ask that you remember their teachers in your prayers; we are grateful for their support.

Sandwich Request

There are sign up sheets on the tables at all entrances requesting sandwiches. These are for the reception which will follow the First Communion on Sunday, April 28. If you would be able to help, please fill in the information on the sheet. Please leave your sandwiches in the Hall kitchen on the 28th before the 11 am Mass. Due to allergies, no peanut butter, please.

Religious Education

Please keep in your prayers the 13 youth of our parish who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation tonight, Wednesday, April 17, at a 7 pm Mass, as well as the 26 children who will celebrate First Holy Communion at the 11 am Mass on Sunday, April 28. We would ask that you also remember their teachers in your prayers; we are grateful for their support.

CWL Banquet

The CWL is holding its closing banquet on Saturday, April 20, following the 4 pm Mass. The meal will be a Turkey Dinner, for $20/member. All tickets are advance sales only, with a deadline of April 13. Ticket money can be put in an envelope marked your name and “CWL Banquet” and placed in the collection or dropped off at the rectory during office hours. The telephone committee will contact all members.