Category: Information
Christmas Flowers
The deadline to make a donation towards our Christmas Flowers is Sunday, December 17. Donations can be placed in the collection using an envelope marked “Flowers”. Please include the names of those to be remembered during our Christmas Masses.
You can also e-Transfer your donation to
Please add the names of your loved ones in the memo section of your e-Transfer.
Parish Survey
Reminder: Holy Redeemer is participating in a parish survey about discipleship conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute.
Please help us by participating in a 10 to 15-minute survey online at the link below:
The deadline for completing the survey has been extended. It will now be available online until Sunday, December 31. If you have completed a paper copy, please drop it in the collection this coming weekend.
Parish Survey
Reminder: Holy Redeemer is participating in a parish survey about discipleship conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute.
Please help us by participating in a 10 to 15-minute survey online at the link below:
Time is running out for you to fill out the survey online. The survey will only be available until next Monday, December 18. If you have completed a paper copy, please drop it in the collection this coming weekend (December 16 & 17).
Cathedral Restoration Letter
Christmas Gift Cards
We are still accepting donations to help with Christmas Gift Cards for needy families.
We encourage you to use one of the pink envelopes marked “Christmas Dinners for Needy Families” that are available at all entrances.
You may also e-Transfer your donation. Use as the email address. Please note in the message area that your donation is for Christmas Dinners.
The trunk has been placed at the back of the church to receive mittens, scarves, etc. Small travel lotions, soaps, or other personal care items may also added to the trunk. These will be given out at
the same time as the dinners.
Thank you for your generosity.
Parish Survey
Reminder: Holy Redeemer is participating in a parish survey about discipleship conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute.
Please help us by participating in a 10 to 15-minute survey online at the link below:
The online survey will be available until December 18. If you prefer a paper copy, they are available at all entrances of the church.
We’ve had several inquiries from people interested in becoming Lectors. We can always use more readers at our weekend Masses, and are happy to have more volunteers. If you are interested in reading, contact the parish office (
Sunday Missals
We have a few Sunday Missals remaining. Contact the parish office (506-653-6830 or to reserve your copy.
Solemnity Of The Immaculate Conception
Bishop Riesbeck invites you to join him as he celebrates Mass on Friday, December 8, at 6:30 pm, at the Cathedral in honour of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. He will be joined by the priests of the Diocese as well as special guests, the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception.