Cereal Drive

FINAL WEEKEND: Our Daily Bread Cereal Drive (In Memory of Maggie Nugent) concludes this Sunday, February 26. This cereal will assist the breakfast program at St. Francis-Hazen White School. Cereal may be brought in at all Masses this weekend and left near the Baptism font at the front of the church. The cereal will be delivered to the school on Monday, February 27. The students are always grateful for your ongoing support.

Diocesan Planning Study

The Diocese of Saint John is conducting a comprehensive planning study of the entire diocese to help gauge the interest and support for the Cathedral Restoration, an Endowment for Parish Evangelization Efforts, and Individual Parish Needs. If you receive a survey in the mail, you can complete it and return it to the diocese by mail or place it in the offertory basket anytime in February or March. There will be listening sessions in the Saint John Region on March 8 (St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish, 6:30 pm), March 14 (Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, 7:00 pm), March 15 (Holy Redeemer Parish, 6:30 pm), March 18 (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, 1:30 pm) and March 19 (Immaculate Conception Parish, 2:00 pm) to gather feedback. Your thoughts are extremely valuable during this planning process and participation is greatly appreciated.

Parish Video Series

You can still join Deacon Stephen as he leads a 7-week video series called The Search, an engaging video series that asks questions about life and faith. Following the video there will be small group discussion.

We gather on Sunday evenings from 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm in the basement of Holy Redeemer Parish. Note: please use the entrance on the parking lot side of the church.

Parish Video Series

Reminder: Due to the storm last weekend, this series begins tomorrow evening.

Deacon Stephen will lead a 7-week video series called The Search, an engaging video series that asks questions about life and faith. Following the video there will be small group discussion.

We’ll gather Sunday evenings from 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm (January 22 – March 5) in the basement of Holy Redeemer Parish. Note: please use the entrance on the parking lot side of the church.