Eucharistic Ministers’ schedules for the months of October – December are available for pickup in the vestry.
Category: Information
Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule
Reminder: We are preparing the October – December Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule. If you know that you will be unavailable at any point during those months, please contact the parish office (506-653-6830 or by Tuesday, September 24, so that we can adjust the schedule accordingly.
Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule
We are preparing the October – December Eucharistic Ministers’ Schedule. If you know that you will be unavailable at any point during those months, please contact the parish office (506-653-6830 or by Tuesday, September 24, so that we can adjust the schedule accordingly.
Religious Education
The final registration session for Religious Education classes will be held in the Parish Hall following the 11 am Mass this Sunday, September 22. Classes for all grades will begin on Sunday, September 29. If you can help as a volunteer catechist for grades 6/7 on Sunday evenings, please call Bunny at (506) 693-9869.
Book & Puzzle Sale
The Holy Redeemer CWL is hosting a Book & Puzzle Sale this weekend on Saturday, September 21, 2 pm – 5:30 pm & Sunday, September 22, 9 am – 12:30 pm.
The CWL is still accepting books and jigsaw puzzles in good condition. Items may be left at the church until Thursday, September 19. Please call (506) 653-6834 before coming to drop them off.
The Holy Redeemer CWL will hold their monthly meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17, in the Parish Hall at 1 pm. All ladies are invited to attend.
Religious Education
Registration for Religious Education classes will be held in the Parish Hall following the 11 am Mass on Sunday, September 15 & 22. Classes for all grades will begin on Sunday, September 29. If you can help as a volunteer catechist for grades 6/7 on Sunday evenings, please call Bunny at (506) 693-9869.
The Martha Guild will be holding a meeting in the parish hall tomorrow, Sunday, September 15, following the 11 am Mass. New members are always needed; both men and women are welcome. If you are interested in finding out more about this group and all the work they do for our parish, please plan to attend.
Harvest Moon Bingo
Join us for Bingo on September 25.
School Supplies
Reminder: Don’t forget to bring your school supplies with you to Mass this weekend.
The CWL is collecting school supplies for students. Any donations will be appreciated and can be placed in bags at all entrances. Some suggested items are Glue sticks, dry erase markers, pencils, erasers, markers, notebooks, etc. The deadline for donations is tomorrow, Sunday, September 8.