Chrism Mass

Bishop Riesbeck invites the faithful of the diocese to the Chrism Mass, which will be celebrated on Tuesday, March 26, 6:30 pm, at the Cathedral. A reception will follow.

Easter Flowers

Donations towards Easter Flowers in memory of loved ones may be placed in an envelope and dropped in the offertory until Sunday, March 24. Please put your name and envelope number, together with the name(s) of those being remembered, on the outside of the envelope. Your loved ones will be prayed for at the 11 am Mass on Easter Sunday, and remembered at all Masses during the Easter season.

You can also make your donation via e-Transfer using as the contact. Please add the names of your loved ones in the message field.


You are invited to an evening of Adoration at the Cathedral on Saturday, March 16 at 7 pm. The event will feature a talk from Bishop Riesbeck on the Power of the Gospel.

Easter Schedule

Join us for Easter at St. Pius X Church/Holy Redeemer Parish.

Thursday, March 28 – 7:00 pm – Holy Thursday
Friday, March 29 – 3:00 pm – Good Friday
Saturday, March 30 – 8:00 pm – Easter Vigil
Sunday, March 31 – 9:00 am & 11:00 am – Easter Sunday

Online – Easter Mass available at any time on Sunday.

St. Patrick’s Lunch

Our annual St. Patrick’s Day Lunch will be served on Friday, March 15, to the accompaniment of Del Worden & guests. Chowder, Soup, rolls, and dessert will be available in our parish hall between 12 noon and 2 pm. The cost is $12 per person. Come and join us.