Members Wanted

The Martha Guild is always ready to welcome both women and men as new members. This faithful group plans and prepares most of the social events and receptions we all enjoy! Their many fund raising activities provide vital financial support to our parish. If you would like to help, please call Donna (658-1568).


Do you enjoy knitting or quilting? A group of ladies meet every Wednesday morning, at 10am, in the parish hall. Any quilters/knitters in the parish are welcome to join them.

Hospital Auxiliary

If you are a member, or would like to become a member of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary, they are collecting annual membership dues of $3. This weekend a representative will be collecting at the Church entrance at all Masses, or dues may be placed in the collection basket with your name, address and phone number.

649 Draw

This is the last weekend for you to participate in on our next 649 Draw which begins on March 2. Representatives will be in the church at all Masses if you would like to be involved in one of the parish’s major fundraisers. If you have any questions about how the draw works, one of the reps would be happy to give you more information.

Cereal Drive

This is the last weekend for you to contribute to the annual cereal drive held in memory of Maggie Nugent. Proceeds go to assist the breakfast program at St. Francis-Hazen White School. Cereal may be brought in and left on one of the tables in the church. The cereal will be presented to the school on Monday, February 25.