Pentecost Vigil

There will be an overnight Pentecost Vigil at the Cathedral beginning on Saturday, May 18, and concluding the following morning. The evening begins with a talk by Bishop Riesbeck at 7:30 pm, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 8 pm until Benediction at 9:45 am the next morning. Mass follows at 10 am. The schedule throughout the night includes Evening Prayer (8 pm), Night Prayer (11:45 pm), Morning Prayer (8:00 am), Praise & Worship (8:30 pm, 11 pm, 8:15 am), Rosary (9:30 pm), Silent Adoration (10 – 11 pm, Midnight – 8 am), Adoration for Families (9 – 9:45 am). Reconciliation will be available from 9 – 9:45 am on Sunday.

CWL Banquet

The CWL is holding its closing banquet on Saturday, April 20, following the 4 pm Mass. The meal will be a Turkey Dinner, for $20/member. All tickets are advance sales only, with a deadline of April 13. Ticket money can be put in an envelope marked your name and “CWL Banquet” and placed in the collection or dropped off at the rectory during office hours. The telephone committee will contact all members.


Join us downstairs in the parish hall immediately after the Easter Vigil for a reception. Those attending the 11 am Mass on Easter Sunday are also invited to gather after Mass in the hall for a social, including an Easter Egg hunt for the younger members of the parish.

Reminder - There is a reception after the Easter Vigil and an Easter Egg Hunt / Social after the 11 am Mass

Easter Schedule

Join us for Easter at St. Pius X Church/Holy Redeemer Parish.

Wednesday, March 27 – 6:30 pm – Way of the Cross
*Please use Parking Lot Entrance

Thursday, March 28 – 7:00 pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
*Adoration & Confessions following Mass

Friday, March 29 – 3:00 pm – Good Friday
*Confessions following service

Saturday, March 30 – 8:00 pm – Easter Vigil
*A reception follows the Vigil

Sunday, March 31 – 9:00 am & 11:00 am – Easter Sunday
*A parish social & Easter egg hunt will follow the 11 am Mass

Online – Easter Mass will be available on our website at any time on Sunday.

Please note: There will be no Novena/Mass on Tuesday, March 26. You are invited to attend the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral at 6:30 pm.

Wednesday - 6:30 pm - Way of the Cross
Thursday - 7:00 pm - Mass of the Lord's Supper
Friday - 3:00 pm - Good Friday
Saturday - 8:00 pm - Easter Vigil
Sunday - 9:00 & 11:00 am - Easter Sunday

Easter Flowers

Donations towards Easter Flowers in memory of loved ones may be placed in an envelope and dropped in the offertory until TOMORROW, Sunday, March 24. Please put your name and envelope number, together with the name(s) of those being remembered, on the outside of the envelope. Your loved ones will be prayed for at the 11 am Mass on Easter Sunday, and remembered at all Masses during the Easter season.

You can also make your donation via e-Transfer using as the contact. Please add the names of your loved ones in the message field.