Cathedral Restoration

The annual collection for the Cathedral Restoration takes place on June 1/2. Envelopes are available at each entrance. However, the Cathedral collection is dated June 8/9 in your box of envelopes. Feel free to place your donation in the collection on either weekend.

Yard Sale Thanks

Thanks to everyone who attended this morning and made the Victoria Day Yard Sale successful. We’d also like to thank all those who donated items and baked goods for the sale. We extend a huge thanks to the members of the Martha Guild for their hard work organizing and running the sale.

Yard Sale Donations

There are only two days left to drop off your donations for our annual Victoria Day Yard Sale. You can drop your items off at the church on Thursday, May 16 or Friday, May 17. Please call before you come (506-653-6830 or 506-653-6834) to ensure somebody is available to assist in unloading your vehicle. No clothing or electronics, please.

Get rid of your stuff

Pentecost Vigil

Reminder: There will be an overnight Pentecost Vigil at the Cathedral beginning on Saturday, May 18, and concluding the following morning. The full schedule is below.

Saturday, May 18
7:30 pm Presentation by Bishop Riesbeck
8:00 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
8:00 pm Evening Prayer
8:30 pm Praise and Worship
9:30 pm Rosary
10:00 pm Silent Adoration
11:00 pm Praise and Worship
11:45 pm Night Prayer

Sunday, May 19
12:00 am Silent Adoration
8:00 am Morning Prayer
8:15 am Praise and Worship
9:00 am Adoration for Families
9:45 am Benediction
10:00 am Mass